The story of Stoney

The boy

Once upon a time there was a boy named Toby, just an ordinary boy his family built a house just 50 meters away from a mine shaft. Every day he would go down the mine shaft and start exploring and every day he would bring something back up that he thought was interesting.One day he went down and came back up with this rock but it wasn’t a rock it was an egg he just did not know so he climbed out of the mine and went back to his house and put it on his window sill.He started to walk out of his room and suddenly heard a crack he turned and looked at the egg and there was a crack going down the side of the egg and suddenly crack,crack, CRACK splat all over his window was this slime then he looked at his bed and saw this thing lying on his bed all covered in slime and goo he wanted to scream but he didn’t because he knew that his dog would come and eat the creature but it looked so weird and gross then he touched it and it was all scaly and dinosaur like.Then it threw up acid all over his bed and burnt through his mattress “what am I going to say to my parents”. He hastily said he didn’t know what to do with this thing so he named it Stoney because it looked stoney and grey.He decided to go to the mine and find a barrel,fill the barrel with water a leave stony there and feed him every day but… he had one problem the acid went through his mattress then he said”I've got a foam mattress in the attic so he put stoney in the barrel and ran back to the house and got a foam mattress from the attic. He put it on his bed and pretended nothing happened it’s gonna be a pretty uncomfortable night. The next morning he went to the mine and found stoney’s barrel on the verge of breaking because stoney had somehow grow larger A LOT!!! larger so he took Stoney to a nearby lake and left him there by a horse and a cart 5 days later… he went to the lake then he saw this massive monster emerge from the depths of the lake he realised it was Stoney and Stoney was angry Stoney hurled a ball of acid at Toby,Toby ran back home and told his parents to run they questioned him but before they could leave the house they were turned to ash by Stoney.

Image result for loch ness monster


  1. awesome ethan!!!!!!!! i love all the detail you put! always wondered if the lock ness monster was real.but maybe next time you could put some full stops also here's my blog url!

  2. This is really really good! i loved how you used descriptive language. i also really liked the plot twist!
    maybe next time you could work on your spelling though.


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